Full Stack Web Development Training Course in Lahore, Pakistan | Full Stack Web Developer Training Institute - Avision Trainings

Full Stack Web Development Course

Full Stack Development is a highly sought-after skill in today's job market. It involves the development of both the front-end and back-end of web applications. A full stack developer is a professional who has the knowledge and skills to work on all aspects of web development, from the design and layout of the user interface to the management and storage of data on the server-side.

A Full Stack Development training course is the perfect way to learn the skills required to become a full stack developer. The course will cover everything from the basics of web development to advanced topics such as database management and deployment.

During the course, you will learn how to use popular technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and various frameworks such as React and Angular for front-end development, and Node.js and Express for back-end development. You will also learn about databases, such as MongoDB and MySQL, and how to use them to store and retrieve data.

In addition to learning the technical aspects of web development, a Full Stack Development training course will also teach you important skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and time management. These skills are essential for any developer and will help you to be successful in your career.

The course is designed to be hands-on, so you will be able to apply what you learn to real-world projects. This will give you the opportunity to gain real-world experience and build a portfolio of work that you can show to potential employers.

If you are looking to become a full stack developer, or if you are a developer looking to expand your skillset, a Full Stack Development training course is a great investment. With the knowledge and skills you will gain, you will be well-prepared to take on the challenges of the modern web development landscape and advance your career.

Enrolling in a reputable training institution and learning from industry experts is highly recommended as they have the knowledge and experience to provide you with the best education and training.

In conclusion, Full Stack Development is a highly in-demand skill in today's job market, and a Full Stack Development training course is the perfect way to learn the skills required to become a full stack developer. With this course, you will be well-prepared to take on the challenges of the modern web development landscape and advance your career.

Full Stack Web Development Course Outline


  • Fundamentals of HTML
  • Basic HTML tags
  • Format text on Web Pages
  • Incorporate images
  • Create hyperlinks
  • Create complex image maps
  • Create tables and nested tables
  • Insert a form on a web page
  • Set, modify form field properties: text field, drop-down, check box, radio button
  • Validating HTML

Cascading Style Sheet - CSS

  • Introduction
  • Designing with Style Sheets
  • Style Sheet Syntax
  • ID, Class & Contextual Selectors
  • Linked (External) Style Sheets
  • Cascading Order
  • Properties: Text, Font, Colors, Backgrounds, Borders
  • Floating Elements
  • Absolute and Relative Positioning
  • Layering Elements with the Z-Index
  • Animation of objects
  • Flex

Javascript & Document Object Model - DOM

  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Variables and Objects
  • Decision Making Statement: If, Switch
  • Loops: For, While & Do While
  • Arrays
  • Functions and Prototypes
  • Core JavaScript Objects
  • DOM Introduction
  • DOM Event Model
  • DOM Functions i.e. Document.Write, Document.GetElementById, Document.bgColor etc.


  • JSON Concepts
  • Data Storage & Transportation
  • JSON Syntax
  • Pairs: Name & Values
  • Objects
  • Arrays
  • Converting JSON Text to JS Object

PHP HyperText PreProcessor - PHP

  • Introduction
  • PHP Essentials
  • Language Fundamentals: Variables, Constants
  • Decision Making Statement: If, ? & Switch
  • Loops: For, For-Each While & Do While
  • Statement: Break, Continue
  • Operators: Airthmetic, String, Assignment, Comparison, Incr/Decr etc.
  • PHP functions:
  • Arrays: Numerically Indexed, Associative
  • Array Functions: Join, Explode, Implode, In_Array, Array_Search.
  • String Functions: Strlen, Printf, Substr, Str_Replace
  • Server-Side Processing
  • Processing Forms via GET/POST
  • GET or POST?
  • State and Persistence: Cookies/Session
  • Web Application Development
  • Intro to PHP Frameworks
  • OOPs & MVC Concepts


  • What is SQL & MySQL and its Versions?
  • MySQL CLI:mysql/GUI:phpmyadmin
  • Administration & Query Browser
  • Creating Databases and Tables
  • Using keys
  • Table Types in MySQL
  • Data Types:Varchar, Int, Char, Date and Time
  • Deleting databases and tables
  • Inserting, Retrieving, Updating and Deleting data
  • MySQL User Accounts, Privileges and Access Control
  • MySQL documentation

Integrating PHP and MySQL

  • PHP interfacing with MySQL
  • Connecting to MySQL
  • Connecting to a database
  • Executing SQL
  • Retrieving the data set
  • Refining the fetch

Backend with PHP Laravel

  • Laravel Framework
  • Laravel Setup Requirements
  • Basic Routing
  • Blade Layout Files
  • Sending Data to Views
  • Controllers
  • Database & Migrations
  • Eloquent Names spacing & MVC
  • Directory Structure
  • Form Handling and CSRF Protection
  • Routing Conventions
  • CRUD Operations
  • PATCH and DELETE Requests
  • Cleaner & Crisper Controllers
  • 2 Layers of Validation
  • Eloquent Relationships
  • Form Action Considerations


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Full Stack Web Development

Rs: 50,000

  • Level:Beginner to Professional
  • Class Timings:6:00-7:30pm
  • Duration:6 Months
  • Days:Thu-Fri-Sat
  • Lifetime Support
  • Free Trial Session

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