Android App Development Training Course in Lahore, Pakistan | App Development Training Institute - Avision Trainings

Android App Development Course

Android app development is a highly sought-after skill in today's job market. With the increasing popularity of smartphones and tablets, the demand for skilled Android developers is on the rise. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, learning how to build Android apps can open up a world of career opportunities.

Our Android app development training course is designed to give you the skills and knowledge you need to create your own Android apps. The course covers the latest technologies and best practices in Android app development, including the use of Android Studio, the official IDE for Android app development, and other tools such as XML and Java.

Throughout the course, you will work on real-world projects, giving you the opportunity to apply your skills and gain practical experience. Our experienced instructors are available to guide you through the development process and answer any questions you may have.

The course starts with the basics of Android app development and gradually moves on to more advanced topics such as material design, API integration, and database management. You will also learn how to test and debug your apps, as well as how to publish them to the Google Play Store.

Our Android app development training course is perfect for anyone who wants to become a professional app developer or build apps for fun. Upon completion of the course, you will have the skills and knowledge to create your own Android apps and be well-prepared for a career in the field of mobile app development.

In summary, our android app development training course is designed to give you the skills and knowledge you need to create your own android apps, it covers the latest technologies and best practices, it includes hands-on training, real-world projects, guidance from experienced instructors and upon completion, you will be well-prepared for a career in the field of mobile app development.

Android App Development Certifications

Android ATC provides courses and assessment exams to certify the competencies of current and prospective employees.

Android Exams :

  • Android Application Development (exam code: AND-801).
  • Android Security Essentials (exam code: AND-802).
  • Android Applications UI/UX Design and Monetization Techniques (exam code: AND-803).
  • Training Skills for Android ATC Certified Trainer (exam code: AND-400).

*Our exams are provided through Pearson VUE authorized testing centers worldwide.

Android App Development Training Course Curriculum

The Basics

  • What is Java?
  • Android SDK
  • Hello World Application

Fundamentals of Java

  • What is Android?
  • Architecture Explained
  • Role of Java

Android User Interface

  • View Hierarchy
  • Menus
  • Fragments

Styling Widgets

  • Defining Styles
  • Applying Styles to the UI
  • Platform Styles and Themes


  • Linear Layout
  • Relative Layout
  • Grid Layout
  • Constraint Layout

Storing and Retrieving Data

  • Internal and External Storage
  • Preferences

Content Providers

  • Querying Content Providers
  • Modifying Data
  • Creating a Content Provider

Location Services and Maps

  • Location Services
  • Google Maps Libraries


  • Web Apps Overview
  • Targeting Screens from Web Apps
  • WebView
  • Debugging Web Apps
  • Best Practices for Web Apps

Best Practices

  • Compatibility
  • Supporting multiple screens
  • Optimizing for Other Android Versions

Final Project

4.8 out of 5.0
5 Star 95%
4 Star 85%
3 Star 5%
1 Star 0%

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Android App Development

Rs: 30,000

  • Level:Beginner to Professional
  • Class Timings:7:00-8:30 pm
  • Duration:2 Months
  • Days:Mon-Tu-Wed
  • Lifetime Support
  • Free Trial Session

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